Should spiritual shortcomings be disclosed to the other party when considering a rishta? We are taught not to publicize our sins, as the Holy Prophet sas stated: All the sins of my followers...
Should health concerns be disclosed to the other party when considering a rishta [marriage]? A marriage can be dissolved through qada [court] if the spouse becomes aware of certain health issues that were not disclosed before the...
Is it appropriate to make a prenuptial agreement about finances before marriage? The relationship between a husband and wife is based on trust. Hadrat Musleh Mau‘ud ra explained: In marriage, the shari‘ah has...
Why are Muslim men allowed to marry non-Muslim women when it seems that wives exercise more influence on children than husbands? Firstly, Allah Almighty has only permitted marriage outside of Islam if it is with women from the People of the...
Are “underage” marriages allowed in Islam? If the marriage of a child is arranged by his or her parents and the nikah is announced, then when...
When looking for a spouse, how much can we interact in courtship while staying within the boundaries of purdah [veiling]? Hadrat Khalifatul-Masih IV rta described the extent of communication there can be between a couple before marriage. He stated that...
How should istikharah prayer be observed? Hadrat Musleh Mau‘ud ra said: There are two types of istikharah, one is General Istikharah and the other is Specific Istikharah....
Why is dating not allowed in Islam? One of the reasons this question arises is that we feel we need to get to know someone before marrying...
Can the nikah ceremony be performed secretly? One of the basic purposes of publicly declaring a marriage is so that no doubts can be raised about the...
Does the nikah have to be performed or is a court marriage sufficient by itself? There is no compulsion in religion. (Surah al-Baqarah, 2:257). What this means is that there is no compulsion in entering...
What is the purpose of dowry in Islam? Hadrat Musleh Mau‘ud ra wrote: The philosophy of dowry is that a woman have a set property that she has personal...
Why do women need the consent of a wali [guardian] in marriage, but not men? The approval of the bride and the wali is needed in all cases, whether it is the first marriage or...
To what extent should Ahmadi men and women interact with one another? Islam has taught that men and women should not inter-mingle socially. Separation of the genders was established during the time...
How much interaction is appropriate between a couple after their nikah and before rukhsati? After nikah, the couple are officially considered husband and wife and the Islamic commandment of veiling no longer applies between...
Is there a concept of “soulmates” in Islam? Each soul has an inclination to certain souls, and finding someone we connect with on a spiritual level is critical. The Holy...