What if the majority population of a state enacts shari‘ah laws, can those laws be applied to non-Muslims? There are two aspects to Islamic shari‘ah, Religious and Secular. To act on the Religious shari‘ah (like prayer, fasting, pilgrimage)...
Does loyalty to our country mean that we must support Western countries in everything? The support that the Promised Messiah as gave to the British should not be mistaken as a complete endorsement of...
Does the fact that we seek to establish shari‘ah go against loyalty to our country? We are loyal to our country, but that does not mean we are loyal to the un-Islamic ideals that are prevalent in our...
Can the religious scholars of a Muslim country impose shari‘ah on the population? Religious scholars have no right to make or approve the laws of a country. Hadrat Khalifatul-Masih IV rta said that...
Can the shari‘ah place restrictions on freedom of speech? Freedom of speech is not a black and white issue; it has nuances even in the western world. For example,...
How will shari‘ah be established in Western countries? Shari‘ah will be established in the West in the same way that it was established in Medina during the time...
Does the Quran call for Muslims to war with non-believers for the sake of Islamic rule? A non-Muslim emailed asking if I could explain certain teachings of Islam. I googled what he wrote and found that...
If Islam teaches religious freedom, why did the Holy Prophet (sas) have certain idols and places of worship destroyed? If the Holy Prophet sas had wished to impose his will on the disbelievers by breaking idols, he would have...
Does Islam teach establishment of shari‘ah in society? An interesting historical parallel is that there was an aversion to shari‘ah at the spread of Christianity; similarly, there is...
Is stoning a permissible punishment in Islam? In Islam, punishments are given as a deterrent, and they are given in proportion to the crime that was committed....