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How much interaction is appropriate between a couple after their nikah and before rukhsati?

After nikah, the couple are officially considered husband and wife and the Islamic commandment of veiling no longer applies between them. However, during the period between the nikah and rukhsati, it is better to still maintain some distance for the betterment of the relationship. This is despite the precaution that if the husband was to end the relationship, he would have to take responsibility for paying half the dowry to the woman (Holy Quran, 2:238). Still, Hudur aba has advised that:

After the nikah and before the formal rukhsati, it is better that some distance remain.

(Fiqhi Masa’il, #61)

From this advice we can also understand the extent of communication there should be between a couple even before the nikah has taken place. Before the nikah, the man does not have to take any responsibility for choosing to end the relationship by paying part of the dowry, so greater precaution is needed.

Updated on February 23, 2019
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