How can we distinguish whether we are confident or arrogant? In Islam, we are taught to always be humble regarding our actions (Holy Quran 53:33), but we are also taught to...
We sometimes feel spiritually overwhelmed with despair, how can we know if we are spiritually progressing or falling back? Hadrat Musleh Mau‘ud ra explained that to spiritually progress, we should continuously study our heart and see if there are...
What is Islam’s take on the “evil eye” and superstition? Hadrat Khalifatul-Masih IV rta said: The Holy Quran recognizes the possibility of mental forces, and this is in fact what...
Does karma exist? If by karma, the general idea of “what goes around comes around” is meant, there is truth to this concept....
How can we maintain our spiritual enthusiasm after Ramadan is over? The Holy Prophet sas said: When Ramadan arrives, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of hell are...
Why is watching pornography not permitted? The Holy Quran has commanded believers to lower their gaze: Say to the believing men that they restrain their eyes...
Is anger an appropriate emotion to express? Ideally, anger should not be expressed just because our ego is offended, or for any other purely personal reason. The...
Can psychological disorders be detrimental to spirituality? Our psychological health affects our spiritual health. For example, if a person is suffering from a chemical imbalance in his...
How do we tell whether an experience in our lives was the acceptance of prayer or a coincidence? There are two extremes people go to, one is being overly skeptical about every possible acceptance of prayer, and the...
What is the appropriate way of writing a letter to Hudur (aba)? This letter of Hadrat Khalifatul-Masih I ra, which the Promised Messiah as quoted, can be an inspiration. Out of his...
If Allah knows everything we will do before we do it, then how can we have free will? Long answer: Allah’s attribute of knowing the future is difficult for us to understand because we have no point of...
Are Heaven and Hell eternal? Nothing is eternal except for Allah Almighty. Neither the human soul nor any human experience, be it of heaven or...
Do animals have souls? Animals having souls is mentioned by the Holy Prophet sas and the Promised Messiah as. Abū Hurairah reported Allah’s Messenger...
What is Iblis? Since the word Iblis and satan refers to beings that manifest in similar ways, there is at times crossover in...
What is Satan? The word satan refers primarily to two things, 1. The desire to do evil, 2. The spiritual being created to incite...